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Automobile Break-In's:



Criminals often prey on easy victims. Thieves are opportunistic,
and if you eliminate their opportunities for theft, you are far less likely to become a target.
Following these tips should significantly decrease the chance that your car gets broken into.
Always use common sense and stay safe.


**Lock your car doors and roll up the windows. In many cases, thieves look for unlocked cars as it is much
easier for them to steal items inside. They do not want to bust a window or pick a lock if they don’t have to,
because the longer they spend at the car, the more likely it is that someone will see them.

*Remove valuables. Heck - remove everything you can. Phone chargers, loose change,spare keys, gym bag.
It will drastically reduce the chance that a thief will target your car.


**Car alarms can be expensive. But you can buy a little blinking light at automotive stores that you can
affix to your dashboard with Velcro – they’re like little fake car alarms, and they work.
If it looks like a car alarm and blinks like a car alarm...


**Wrap your car key fob in tin foil. The threat of thieves hijacking wireless signals to break into cars
can be beaten by an unlikely low-tech solution - Using metal foil blocks out signals from key fobs,
which have been found to be vulnerable to a so-called "relay attack".
Leaving your phone on the seat or letting your car idle for a few minutes might not seem like a big deal,
but in a split-second you could be regretting that decision.
Be cautious and don’t make these lazy mistakes. You’re better off being safe than sorry.

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